Consulting Service

Consulting Service

Consulting Service

What We Do

Services provided cover a wide range of issues including the following challenges typically faced by managers:

Strategic Planning/Visioning

  • Facilitate the creation of a vision for the department’s future mission.
  • Analyze the department’s current state and help establish direction for the future.

Change Management

  • Define, plan and execute strategic organizational change, from both people and systems perspectives.
  • Manage organizational transformations including restructuring, hiring, layoffs, consolidations and acquisitions.
  • Align the department’s initiatives with MSU’s vision and mission.

Performance Management

  • Teach performance management strategies and processes, focusing on ways to handle performance challenges, setting clear expectations, and creating development plans.
  • Provide performance-based training and/or coaching to maximize contributions to the department.
  • Perform “gap analyses” by identifying current skills/abilities and future needs.
  • Develop strategies to close performance gaps.

Leadership Development

  • Coach individuals to improve their abilities to lead and manage.
  • Instill the value of innovative leadership within the department.
  • Teach conflict resolution skills to help leaders resolve and mediate conflict, as well as help leaders recognize the potential for conflict before it arises.


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Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level


Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level

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Stephen Geist

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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