Business Intelligence Consulting

Business Intelligence Consulting

Business Intelligence Consulting

What We Do

Our service

Live monitoring and control of your business

CEO dashboard

Turning your scatter data into an effective dashboard to monitor your organization performance

Begin your way into the 3-step journey of transforming your data into an interactive dashboard that is capable of changing your business completely.

CEO dashboard

AMS's Information wealth model

Powerful Insights is Your Data Visualization Service Provider
We Transform your data from regular forms into strategically designed insights, where the light is spotted only on the data that matters! 
Empowering your reports with smart designs and eye-opening visuals. Closely highlights the most critical facts and figures that smoothly lead you to make the best decisions

Information wealth model
Begin your data mining journey at your organization in 2 stages:

Build your dashboard

Transform your data into an interactive dashboard that is capable of changing your business completely. that will help you to monitor and control each process at your organization including accounting, operation, sales, marketing, procurement and human resources.

  • Are you a manager who suffers from stuffed reports with much information and fewer conclusions?
  • Are you an employee how needs to propose a daily report but don’t know how to shortly and attractively communicating it in a way that impresses your managers?
  • Are you even that business owner who is not a data person and just needs to see what really matters with no desire to go all over the detailed reports?

Get your company’s team a complete data visualization & dashboard creation training, and have a life-long growing business

Transform a corporation’s massive data into meaningful insights is PRICELESS

You have a wealth in your hand, you just need to discover it. Each peace of data from finance department, sales, marketing, information technology, procumbent and human resources can be integrated to form a new insight to your organization and improve your core competency in the market.

Turn your data into money

Find the hidden insight in your data using data mining tools. Data mining tools includes machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

you can benefit from this tools by:

  • Prevent cost overruns
  • AI for Better Design of Buildings Through Generative Design
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Project Planning
  • AI Will Make Jobsites More Productive
  • AI for Construction Safety
  • AI Will Address Labor Shortages
  • Off-site Construction
  • AI and Big Data in Construction
  • AI for Post-Construction
  • Reducing common, painful process-driven losses e.g. yield, waste, quality and throughput
  • Increased capacity by optimizing the production process
  • Enabling growth and expansion of product lines at scale due to a more optimized process
  • Cost reduction through Predictive Maintenance. PdM leads to less maintenance activity, which means lower labor costs and reduced inventory and materials wastage.
  • Predicting Remaining Useful Life (RUL). Knowing more about the behavior of machines and equipment leads to creating conditions that improve performance while maintaining machine health. Predicting RUL does away with “unpleasant surprises” that cause unplanned downtime.
  • Improved supply chain management through efficient inventory management and a well monitored and synchronized production flow.
  • Improved Quality Control with actionable insights to constantly raise product quality.
  • Improved Human-Robot collaboration improving employee safety conditions and boosting overall efficiency.
  • Consumer-focused manufacturing – being able to respond quickly to changes in the market demand.

Turn your data into money

Get a free consulting session


Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level


Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level


Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level

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Stephen Geist

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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