Safety Culture Assessment

Safety Culture Assessment

Try Safety Culture Assessment


What is Safety Culture Assessment

Safety Culture Assessment is a measure being used to assess the strength of any organization’s safety culture and how it changes in the province over time. Safety culture is defined as a set of shared values and beliefs that influence actions and practices regarding workplace safety and health, shaping how decisions are made, how the organization operates, and how peers and leadership build safe and healthy workplaces.

Interpreting your results & developing corrective actions

After completing the above assessment, corrective actions should be developed for the objectives requiring improvement. Corrective actions should be prioritized in an order that is most efficient and makes sense for your organizations specific needs. Special attention should be given to contributing factors. For example, Objective 10 – ‘Managements involvement’ will be a necessary step before Objective 12 – ‘building trust’ can be improved which will lead to improvements to Objective 2 – ‘Valuing ongoing safety improvement’. Look at the areas where your organization is performing well and discuss the efforts and actions that have led to those successes. Apply those same principles to the low scoring objectives in order to foster improvements. Continue to strive for excellence in all areas, include the objectives scored high. Continuing success requires maintenance in all areas.

Continuing education & improvement

For more information on how to improve, contact AMS. Follow up questions are available for each objective to assist in providing a better understanding of the contributing factors that affect each objective. The follow up questions also include recommendations for improvement and additional information on each objective. The follow up questions will assist you in identifying contributing factors to your performance that can assist you in developing and implementing corrective actions. AMS offers a workshop where a facilitator will guide you through each objective and work through recommendations for improvement based in your organizations unique assessment results.


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