Health and safety key performance indicators

Do you use occupational health and safety performance indicators in your workplace?  Yes, cost of accidents, number, frequency and the severity of occupational accidents and diseases, for every 200,000 or 1,000 000 man hours worked. These indicators are most often limited to the financial aspects of health and safety and are more focused on losses.  Lagging Indicators…
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Applying machine learning to keep employees safe and save lives

Whether on factory floors, construction sites, or warehouses, accidents have been an ongoing, and sometimes deadly, factor across industries. Add in the pandemic — and an increasing rate and intensity of natural disasters — and the safety of employees and citizens becomes more complicated. Australian-based Bigmate, a computer vision company…
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AI Solutions For EHS: Safety First

Machine learning, predictive analysis, deep learning are those AI tools that take human error out of workplace and create a truly safe environment. At last. AI is a pure hype in the world of technologies. Yet, this enormous popularity is justified: AI provides opportunities not only to individuals but also…
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7 Health and Safety KPIs Department Should Track

At the heart of a successful business lies a strong safety culture. And, just like other areas of operations, a successful company makes use of the data available to continuously work to drive up standards in health and safety, employing a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to track specific…
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Health & Safety KPI Examples – The 12 Key Metrics to Track

Health and Safety KPIs are measurable values used by Health and Safety Teams to track and determine their progress on specific business objectives. These KPIs essentially act as a health and safety performance review. Indeed, plenty of organizations won’t have even considered creating KPIs for Health and Safety. You might…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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